What are the steps in the coaching process?

The beginning of any coaching interaction should begin with a clear purpose. There are many variations in the steps of the coaching process, but they follow a similar format. The steps include establishing and maintaining relationships. Coaching requires a safe and comfortable environment that encourages open, two-way communication.

Factors that inhibit or enhance the creation of a good environment include the coach's own body language and non-verbal cues. Communicate expectations and set performance objectives It's important to help customers clarify their objectives. Many customers will have only vague notions about their objectives. Others will hold on to outdated or unrealistic goals.

Some goals will be unclear or too broad. Some customers find it inspiring, practical and meaningful. The objectives should not be too broad or too specific and should be challenging, but not impossible. Before the coaching conversation is over, the coach must prepare the client for success by working with them to take action.

There are many coaching models, frameworks, and concepts that coaches can use when working with clients. Studies have shown that the coach's coaching practice can be improved by using mindfulness as a preparation tool (Passmore, 200). One of the most important aspects of coaching is the strength of the relationship between coach and client. In my work with clients as a coach and professional trainer, I have rarely met someone who doesn't think that coaching can have a positive impact on a person and on a company.

Asking questions Inquiry is the foundation of coaching and is fundamental to establishing a productive coaching relationship.

Madeline Talkington
Madeline Talkington

Amateur zombie guru. Amateur creator. Amateur zombie geek. Hipster-friendly internet advocate. Proud explorer. Proud food lover.

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