Motivating Athletes: How Sports Coaches Can Ignite Success

Motivation is an essential factor for success in sports. A successful coach is a motivator with a positive attitude and enthusiasm for sports and athletes. They must be able to generate the desire for improvement in their players. When motivating a player, a good coach emphasizes trying to achieve performance goals, not outcome goals.

It is the “fire that fuels great performances, outstanding victories, persistence, perseverance, determination and drive”. The key for coaches to understand is that motivation starts within them. Athletes will accept what their coaches say. An extrinsically motivated coach who focuses on taking athletes to the next level will produce athletes motivated by rewards.

A coach with an intrinsic motivation who recognizes their vocation to positively influence the lives of athletes will help them recognize that sports are more than just wins and losses. The sports world would not be the same without motivation, since it generates enthusiasm for athletes and coaches to continue doing what they like. However, if coaches understand their athletes and what motivates them, great things can be achieved. A coach or mentor can say something or set an example that impacts you and that sparks that motivation.

What the letter also shows is that the athletes' coaches were able to motivate their athletes beyond the typical and temporary rewards of sports. From the age of 7, these athletes were trained to dedicate themselves to the outside world of sports, and now, all of a sudden, it no longer exists. The behavior of a coach determines the outcome of the competitor's effort to improve himself or, otherwise, it would be reduced to absence. In short, the coach's role is to create the environment and provide the athlete with the opportunity to express their motivation in everything they do.

For example, if a coach initially focuses on participation and forms a team of athletes motivated by performance (let's assume they all have the same philosophy), can they properly adjust their motivation if they want and remain effective? Or would it be better to find a program that suits their motivation? Coaches want to continue learning and improving their profession, in order to be able to transmit their thirst for knowledge to their sports apprentices. It is very rewarding to see the potential of athletes and to see them develop their potential as they grow. Statistically, the use of these drugs increases in men and women who have played sports since they were young in their early 20s. I suggest that you, as a coach, ask your athletes what motivation means to them and how they prefer to be motivated.

If my coach is excited before the game, I feel like the hype is being transferred to me and my teammates. A coach's job is to maintain practice and, at the same time, to encourage their competitors to maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude in the face of adversity.

Madeline Talkington
Madeline Talkington

Amateur zombie guru. Amateur creator. Amateur zombie geek. Hipster-friendly internet advocate. Proud explorer. Proud food lover.

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