What are the elements of a coaching session?

The right problem-solving technique for one coaching client may be completely different from that of another coaching client. That's why it's so important to assess strengths and skill gaps. Working with the client to determine how to get from where they are now to where they want to be is a very individual process, and the leadership coach is in a unique position to help create that “road map”. It is far from being a one-size-fits-all process, but must be adapted to each person in the context of their work environment.

Choosing the right problem-solving techniques can prevent a leader from getting “stuck” in the issues they're working on. This is where the rubber meets the road. Just as an expert pitching coach knows the specific elements that a particular pitcher must work on, the expert leadership coach can help the client define the specific actions that should be developed and practiced until they become natural. For a customer, this can be communication.

On the other hand, it can be delegation. The transformation processes used in leadership coaching are uniquely customized for the client and their particular needs. Without proven transformation processes, customer improvement can be short-lived. Structure is really a key element of coaching.

There are a lot of people out there who are doing a very vague, abstract and unstructured process. So you're finding that customers get very vague, abstract, and unstructured results. Coaching should be approached from an equal position when it comes to meeting on the problem. This will help to develop a connection with the person, to understand their role and the challenges they face.

Help the coach develop deeper answers to the questions, rather than simply answering with a “yes” or “no”. The challenge is to do more research and move to a deeper level of understanding on the subject. When starting a coaching conversation, the coach observes from the sidelines and arouses their curiosity and amazement as they observe the client. Many coaches find it a little difficult to “establish the training agreement”, as it often feels like a choice between participating in the training flow or following the steps or indicators to establish a tangible result for the training session.

If the client's goals aren't concrete or seem vague despite your efforts to gain clarity, there's a temptation to abandon establishing the coaching agreement altogether. As a coach, The Lead Up gives you time to establish a connection and relationship with your client and discover their state of mind at the start of the session. The Lead Up also gives your clients time to be present and bring focus and clarity to the session. Even so, the best coaches use multiple proven evaluation tools to verify this and identify the client's strengths and weaknesses.

It's important for the coach to create a plan with results that are achievable, measurable and specific. Every time you train, you further develop the creativity and confidence needed to participate in the training flow with your client. Relate comments to the purpose of the conversation, focus on the behavior and not on your own interpretation of the behavior, and emphasize the impact of the behavior and how it helps or prevents the training participant from achieving the desired business and personal results. However, listening to the coach's fact-based observations and suggestions is a powerful source for increasing self-awareness and seeing new ideas.

After the training session, the coach should check and evaluate the coach's ability to solve problems, and continue to observe and provide constructive feedback without interpreting the coach's efforts. This structure does not cancel the uniqueness of the session, it simply provides a “coat rack” on which to hang your coaching work. Researchers have identified five critical components of popular training models, as well as the conditions under which coaching is most effective. For all coaching efforts to be successful, these essential elements of training must be met in the workplace or in any general training.

The actions and agreements that the coach takes must be the property of the coach; they will not be as effective if they have been influenced by the coach. Think of the run-up period as a gentle warm-up that allows your client to relax and prepare for the most difficult conversations and questions that may arise as you both move forward in the coaching conversation. It is a partnership between the coach and the client and is affected by the quality of the relationship, the context of the client's challenges, and the individual characteristics of both the coach and the client that day. In addition, learn about past history, but spend more time helping the training participant prepare for the future.

This training can take place between the TXM facilitator and key people in your company, as well as between your Lean Champion and team members. If the process is too prescriptive, it means that the coach follows his own agenda instead of focusing on the client's problem. .

Madeline Talkington
Madeline Talkington

Amateur zombie guru. Amateur creator. Amateur zombie geek. Hipster-friendly internet advocate. Proud explorer. Proud food lover.

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